Take care of your feet, bikini area, and body with this aromatic scrubs!
They were designed thinking that each of these areas has different skin characteristics, and deserve to be treated as such.
"An important Part of the Kardona Beauty Ritual"
Endless Love Body Scrub
Endless Love Exfoliante corporal
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with Pheromone Inducers Aroma of rose petals and champagne. There’s nothing quite like the stimulation of touch, be it your own skin or the skin of your partner. Feel confident to invite your lover to feel your silky-smooth skin. These...
Con inductores de feromonas Aroma a pétalos de rosas y champagne. No hay nada como la estimulación del tacto, ya sea de tu propia piel o la piel de tu pareja. Siéntete segura de invitar a tu pareja a sentir...
Seductive Body Scrub
Seductive Exfoliante corporal
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Sweet and floral signature aroma These rejuvenating ingredients remove dead skin cells and its unique aroma induces a feeling of sensuality. Due to the high concentration of natural ingredients, we recommend that you don’t allow water mix with its content,...
Aroma dulce y floral único. Estos ingredientes rejuvenecedores eliminan las células muertas de la piel y su aroma único induce una sensación de sensualidad. Siéntete segura de invitar a tu pareja a sentir tu piel suave y sedosa. Debido a...
Sense Stimulator Body Scrub
Sense Stimulator Exfoliante corporal
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with Pheromone Inducers Citrusy and Spicy Aroma. There’s nothing quite like the stimulation of touch, be it your own skin or the skin of your partner. Feel confident to invite your lover to feel your silky-smooth skin. These rejuvenating ingredients...
Con inductores de feromonas Aroma cítrico y picante. No hay nada como la estimulación del tacto, ya sea de tu propia piel o la piel de tu pareja. Siéntete segura de invitar a tu pareja a sentir tu piel suave...
Silky Feet Premium Scrub
Exfoliante premium para pies sedosos
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Oils, emollients, exfoliants, salts, and minerals make for a perfect combination to exfoliate and hydrate the skin. Its stimulating texture eliminates dead skin cells at the surface while triggering touch receptors and nerve terminals. It also has a signature aroma...
Estos aceites, emolientes, exfoliantes, sales y minerales son una combinación perfecta para exfoliar e hidratar la piel. Su textura estimulante elimina las células muertas de la piel en la superficie al tiempo que activa los receptores táctiles y las terminales nerviosas....